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Warnie's 888 Poker ads splashed across hardcore porn site

Written By Ambalal Solanki on Tuesday, February 21, 2012 | 10:10 AM

Shane Warne has just become embroiled in yet another controversy for the advertisements, his 888 online poker business appeared on a hardcore porn site.

The ads, which show a grinning Warne throwing cards and gambling chips towards the camera, feature on a website broadcasting explicit adult videos.

But Warne's manager James Erskine said that we have not any clue that how the ads had appeared on the site, News.com.au. reported.

"I and Warne both were not aware of the 888 Poker Site appearing on porn sites. Thank you for informing us, we will look into it," Erskine told The Sunday Telegraph.

The cricketer's brother Jason Warne, who is general manager of the children's charity The Shane Warne Foundation, said that he would inform his board members.

"If they were breaking the law, then obviously that's something we would take umbrage to and disassociate with but I don't know," Jason said.

"It is something that I will speak to the board about and get their opinions on, but it's not something I really want to take a stand on myself just off the cuff.

The retired cricketer, who last year became engaged to former model and actress Elizabeth Hurley, was stripped of the Australian vice-captaincy in June 2000 after it emerged he had bombarded British nurse Donna Smith with dirty text messages and phone calls.

In May 2006, a UK tabloid published pictures of Warne posing in his underwear with a pair of topless 25-year-old models as well as more explicit text messages allegedly sent by him.
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